
German health ministry opposes cannabis legalization amid new debate

The German health ministry, on Wednesday restated its opposition to the legalization of Cannabis amid new debate.
The ministry said this after a member the Social Democrats (SPD) came out in favour of legalization as the party engages in coalition talks following recent elections.
The ministry spokesman acknowledged that the drug could be medicinally useful in certain cases but is a dangerous substance and legalization was not advisable.
“As talks between the SPD, which came out marginally on top in the Sept. 26 elections, and two smaller parties proceed, SPD health spokesman Karl Lauterbach, backed the controlled sale of cannabis to adults.’’
Lauterbach said the aim was to block the trade in cannabis laced with heroin.
“For years I have rejected legalizing cannabis, but I have now come to a different conclusion as a doctor.
“Cannabis sold illegally on the streets increasingly often has a new kind of heroin mixed into it that can be smoked.
“By this means, cannabis users are soon pushed into dependency on heroin,” he said.
The two smaller parties involved in the current talks, the Greens and the pro-business FDP, back legalization of the popular leisure drug through sales in special licensed outlets.

Monday Ashibogwu

Monday Michaels Ashibogwu is Editor-In-Chief of QUICK NEWS AFRICA, one of Nigeria's leading online news service.

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