
Niger-Delta War Lord Tompolo Joins Olumba Olumba Sect, Receives Baptism In Olumba Obu’s Bethel

facebook-20150519-084714One of the dreaded exleader of militant groups which operated within the axis of the Niger Delta region of Nigeria at the weekend paid a visit to the sole spiritual leader of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu to receive baptism..
Brotherhood faithful including key officials of the spiritual organisation said Tompolo spent over four hours with the spiritual leader inside his inner vestry with his boys and other members present.
Although details of the conversation which the dreaded exmilitant had with Olumba Obu was not made public Tompolo told Brotherhood adherents that he would substantially support the construction of the proposed mega-cathedral, called The Bassilicca, to be sited on a 5 hectare land in Calabar.

Before meeting with His Holiness Olumba Obu Saturday evening, Tompolo was said to have baptised into the fold two weeks ago.
 National Mirror gathered that about a month ago, Tompolo sent emissaries led by his close relative as advance team to meet with the spiritual leader. The emissaries cleared the way for his formal visit, it was learnt a source said.
A source revealed  the emissaries delivered Tompolo’s request to the spiritual leader, which is thought to have prompted an evangelical delegation from the organisation to visit the influential ex-militant lord in his home in Delta State.
Tompolo’s visit to the community culminated in his homage to the Brotherhood leader whom he acknowledged as his Father, as having tremendously assisted him in prayers.”
The Father’s helps have enabled me to survive the turbulent period and positioned me”, Tompolo told adherents. Eye witness account said that the former head of militants praised the spiritual leader for the huge contracts he was said to have been awarded by the federal government to lay oil pipe lines across the Niger Delta region.
Other eye witnesses confirmed that when Tompolo arrived the 34 Ambo Street Calabar world headquarters of the spiritual organisation at the weekend, members of the fold who know him, especially those from Delta and Bayelsa States, hailed and swarmed around him.
Tompolo`aides however prevented him from meeting his kinsmen who were also members of Olumba Obu`s fold. Olumba Obu urged the exmilitant to resign from unrighteous ways, trust only in God and demonstrate respect and loyalty to government and every leader of the land as leaders of the land were not terrors, but men and women whom God Almighty had ordained.
“You have to submit to, trust and love God with all your heart, mind and soul. You must seek after righteous living, forgive your offenders and think of doing good to your fellow man always”, Leader Obu emphasised.
The Spiritual leader used the opportunity to reiterate that public money is God’s money and that politicians should not behave as if they will not account for public funds.

Monday Ashibogwu

Monday Michaels Ashibogwu is Editor-In-Chief of QUICK NEWS AFRICA, one of Nigeria's leading online news service.

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