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Yoruba people come and carry your Kemi ooo

By Duke of Shomolu

You know how when you land at Heathrow and get on the queue to pass through Immigration?

You remember how easy it is when you go through a real English person’s cubicle with a smile and a breeze.

Then you look back and see your compatriot sweating cos he had unfortunately gone in front of an Asian

The Asian Immigration person will be doing like he was more English than the rest, asking you dumb questions and looking for something to make you go back

I once offered to go back to Nigeria at one point. Cos i didnt understand the intrusive questions, the arrogant feeling of superiority—even with the crash of the Naira, I earn more than this person, and I am far better respected where I am coming from than he is where he is sitted in that tight cubicle masturbating with the temporary powers he has over me

Yoruba people’s Kemi is suffering from the worst kind of disease those Asians are suffering from.

Statements creditted to her in the last few days show a huge lack of self-awareness, an inferiority complex that is endemic, and a stupidity that is very alien to the Yoruba culture and traditions she has claimed.

The Yorubas are known for their love for their cultures and traditions; they remain very proud of their heritage and project their culture anywhere they find themselves.

The traditions of the Yoruba are so entrenched that centuries of exposure to other cultures have done nothing to erode the turgidity of theirs.

Today, we now have an errant and misguided daughter who, out of misplaced enthusiasm and embedded insecurity, turns her guns on that same culture that bred her and her forebears to shoot.

Who says Yoruba’s are not part of Nigeria? Who says Yoruba’s do not see themselves as Nigerians, especially in this Emilokan era where they control and lead in almost all spheres?

Yoruba’s from historical times have fought wars to keep themselves within the geographical expression that is Nigeria

They have thrown up such iconic leaders like Chief Awolowo, MKO Abiola even President Tinubu who have fought with huge sacrifices for Nigeria and they continue to do so and, in their vast majority, stand very firmly within the core structure that is modern-day Nigeria

So it is not for this errant and un schooled misnomer of a politician to decide for us which tribe is a Nigerian tribe

Sadly, we cannot ignore her statements as they come from the mouth of someone who holds a very important position in a very important country with very strong historical ties in the areas of leadership, trade and culture with Nigeria

She is a doorstep away from the leadership of that country and this is why we must not treat her vituperations with kid gloves

Imagine a Kemi Prime Ministership with this mindset.

Centuries-long relationships between both countries and indeed the commonwealth would be strained because a ‘policeman stole her brothers shoes’.

This is why the Nigerian Government must pull its weight and ensure that concomitant pressure is put through diplomatic and other such channels in making sure that Britain feels our pain regarding this stowaway.

We don’t have to be rich to bring pressure to bear on Britain; we just have to remain proud of our poverty and say, Oh no, you will not give us enema in public.

We can assure them of our non-support in critical international alliances as long as she keeps interfering in our internal issues

We can name her a separatist and accuse her of treason because her statement on Boko Haram is capable of inciting sectionist violent agitation and even threatening the lives and property of Yorubas in the North.

We can put a lot of pressure on the British Conservative Party to the point that our anger can be picked up by her opponents and used to galvanise her removal

Her removal as British opposition leader must now be the cornerstone of our foreign policy, because Britain is a world power and we cannot allow such an iredentist tyrant to get to that position.

We must begin to galvanise the over 1 million British from African dissent to speak with their votes against this.

Nigerians in the global diaspora can form a strong bulwark of opposition against her and push very aggressively for her removal. Where this fails, her image as an ethnic bigot can be expanded to the point that the British political structure can begin to see her for what she truly is—a bigotted fellow.

Kemi’s stance and posturing, her utterances, cannot and should not be taken for granted cos of the position she holds and her high-profile sound bites, which will go a long way in tarnishing the massive gains we have made in our International reputation, especially with the work our music and Nollywood have done

This is why the government must now officially enter this matter, not by calling her names in public but by assuring the British authorities that if this continues, trade and diplomatic relations between them and their biggest partners in Africa could be strained.

After all, our economy grew by 3.4% in the last quarter as against their 1.2%, so what a hell.


Duke of Shomolu

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